Designed for customers who require product data from different sources
Better Life
Better Life
Better Life
Better Life
+ 9 million products
High speed data access to all data pool providers worldwide!
100% coverage
Data missing? We can do manually onboarding if necessary!
1 channel
Just connect with ONE API to retrieve all the data and ONE support desk!
Become a partner!
Connect with our REST API and provide safe food data to your customers!
Why Better Life
Obtain the right data!
- Receive automatically updated data from manufacturers
- Ensure you are regulatory compliant e.g. (EU) No 1169/2011Â
- Complete product description will increase revenue
- Show your care for people with allergies or intolerance
- Supports your positive and professional image
- Customers will use your services again
BetterLife API
Save time and money
We are connected to Trusted (GS1) and Not-trusted data pool providers from all target markets around the world. Our customers just need to connect to the Betterlife Datahub through a single API format.
Our Mission
Is to provide online delivery services, app developers and other companies with reliable transparent and automatic international data on food, near food and related products.
We protect and support food providers and professionals from the possible consequences of non-compliance with EU regulation nr. 1169/2011 on food and EC 852/2004 on HACCP regulations with correct data and easy to use software.